A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I must have been drunk/crazy/manic

Oh it's been awhile.
I forgot the password and even went so far as to start a new blog - but then clever old Google found this one and linked it!
Not sure how it happened - but am grateful that it did.
I don't know how I'll get back here - and the technology has drained me of all creative urges. Dealing with technology exhausts me!
I feel like I have to make excuses -as if writing to a penpal - for not writing.

I have done something very very silly. I volunteered to coach my daughter's netball team.
I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET and the other mothers are driving me crazy! They are rude. They are pushy. They are overly opinionated on how they want things done. I don't know what I expected...but it wasn't this. Actually, I do know what I expected...fun. I wanted it to be fun - for me and for the kids. But some of the other mothers are acting as though they are playing for Australia
'Have I written a plan detailing WHO i s going to be playing each position?' No I bloody well have not.
'Have I written a plan detailing WHO will be spending time off the court?' No I bloody well have not.
'Will you look after my older daughter so that I don't have to make 2 trips to the school?' No I bloody well will not.
'Will you drop my child off to daycare after training?' AAAAAAAAAAARGH!

Here I can say all the things that I am currently too diplomatic to say. Like 'Back off you psycho pushy sports mums'. I haven't said that yet - but watch this space. It may come. I told one of the pushier mothers this morning that I'm not really the list making type (I am after all an arts student) and she gave me a look of such great pity. A look of disappointment.

I realise the juxtaposition of this post compared to the last one. Ha bloody ha ha. I am still going to church. But Jesus never dealt with sports mums! Ah me - guilt - I KNOW he dealt with religious authorities and the Pharisees and the Sadduccees and they were very bad but I reckon I am dealing with their direct descendants!
Yowsers - sacreligious. I think I will shut up and go and pick up the kids from school and avoid all the netball mums.
Seeya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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