A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

An afternoon in bed and still irked.

Ok. So I survived netball coaching - did i write about that in my last post? I think I did - if not - guess what I'm doing??
Ha. It was actually quite fun, believe it or not - except we have a pain-in-the-butt child on the team - you know the type - only child, demanding... her name is Bethany, but we are calling her Veruca (after the 'I want it now' girl from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.)
I have had a really nice week. 'Nice' -now there's a word. The highlight of my week - so far - has been spending the afternoon in bed with my husband. Yes, nice very very very nice. Twice.
AND yesterday when a girl from uni asked me to proofread her essay for her coz of 'the high quality work I turn in'. Ahem. Nice. Quite.

BUT alas you should know that I MUST have a gripe. I must I simply must - and it is this: Why the hell does nobody RSVP anymore??
OK. Background. Miss 7 is having a mega party at the rollerskating and it is costing me $14 PER CHILD and she managed to narrow it down to 26 of her nearest and dearest. BUT the powerbrokers at the rollerskating charge me if people don't show up. So -lets say I tell them 20 are coming - and only 19 show up - I still have to pay for 20. HUH!! Now you may be automatically sneaky like me and think - well I'll just say 15 he-he and if more show up then more show up. NO! They have thought of this too. They SET THE TABLE for just the right amount in advance. And only cook like 1 sausage roll per child IN ADVANCE. Clever clever roller-skaters. So you are FORCED to tell them the exact number - or else certain children don't get fed - which is fine by me, coz there are certain ones (You Veruca) that i don't particularly like. But you can be sure to be sure that Veruca will push her way to a table setting and poor lovely Jasmin will miss out. Or gorgeous BJ. Or some other LIKEABLE child.
So you see, the roller-skaters have me over a barrel.

Now, hypocritically, I am not an RSVPer. Like most parents I am busy - and I mean to I truly do, but it's so BORING to RSVP isn't it? And really I have little respect for those who do RSVP too early. It reeks of desperation truthfully.
However, I, like most non-RSVPers when chased down by the party parent in the school carpark am able to tell them whether my darling child is or isn't coming. That's the respectable way to do it. That's the way it has always been done. Status quo and all that. Goodo.

BUT NOW there has been a change and I sense anarchy dear reader. When I chased parents today in the carpark they were saying 'What day is it?' 'What time?'
I gave you an invitation - I waited a long while, now you must know whether you plan to attend - it's in 48 hours time. And no I CANNOT ARRANGE A LIFT FOR YOUR CHILD - that is just rude and slack and fairly shoddy in my opinion. I don't care, at this late stage if you are working, the time has passed for that quite frankly, just tell me if you are sending your child. That's all. That's it.
One father even had the nerve to look irritated when I asked whether he could let me know - when I explained about the mercenary roller-skating people. The nerve - him looking annoyed. I wasn't being irritating. I did it with all social rules attached. I was laconic. I was amused.

Hmmm... I am irked. Irked. Love that word. I am irked.

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