A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Finding My Religion

So it has been a while. A long while. I have been hesitant to write, because dear reader something has happened. I have become really, really religious.
Yes, I have been going to church for ages on a Sunday morning with the fam, but it's the church my husband chose - not I. ANYWAY on Sunday nights I have been going to a 'happy clappy' church that I went to 7 years ago and it has been fantastic.
I have felt a lot closer to God - and we have been doing really well, as a family, reading our Bibles.
I love it.
But for some reasone I have been hesitant to blog about it. But now? I don't care and I am thinking of removing my anonymity on this blog! I may have to do some heavy editing before I do though.

So school holidays are nearly at an end. I found out today who my children have as teachers this year - and it's all good. Except my 2 daughters' teachers are YOUNGER THAN ME! Not to be ageist, but do any other parents struggle with this?? I don't know why - logically, I KNOW that they are good teachers, but hey - maybe I had the whole 'respect your elders' thing drummed into me too much? Not sure. I could probably never have a younger boss!

SO school holidays are nearly over. We have had fun relaxing, doing swimming lessons and going to the park. I found out today that my daughters' best friend and her family are moving to a different school. Sad. I get along with the Mum really, really well - infact, we are going on a weekend away to Melbourne together later in the year.
I am going to go now. The girls are being REALLY NOISY right next to me with their dolls - making them dance - so I will go, as I can't concentrate and I'm sure my grammar isn't as good as it should be!

How's that Wayne Carey? What a plonker - my husband used to be a big fan - no more. What happens to some sportsmen that they turn into wombats after they stop playing - Shane Warne, OJ Simpson etc.

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