A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Words words words

I am a news junkie.
I had a friend who recently connected to the Internet (more dinosaurs!) ask me what on earth I look at on the Internet as she's finding it all a bit daunting and boring. Aah remember that? Innocence...
Anyway, I told her - I am a news addict.
Hello, my name is Deborah and I am a news addict.
I spend hours everyday on News.com, Perez, The Australian etc etc and I also love to look at other countries newspapers - Israel, UK, America. If you know any good news sites please let me know...I really like the Times Online - and not just because they have Jeremy Clarkson (one of my quirky crushes).
ANYWAY - it is taking me a looooooonnnnnnnnnnng time to get to my point, joy of joys I came across an English newspaper which has a column by Germaine Greer. What fun I had reading an hour or two of her columns. Amazingly she's not a very confident writer - she speaks a lot more confidently than she writes - she had a column where she wrote about favourite words - words you like to hear/interest you/inspire you/make you want to read more. Hers was 'library'.
I agree. I like that word. I also like 'scandal' - if a magazine prints SCANDAL in big letters across it's front I'll more than likely buy it. Shallowness is thy middle name.
Another word I like; cosset - as in 'oh you must make allowances for her, she had a cossetted upbringing.'

I remember a character in a Charlotte Bingham book once declared that 'if you didn't know what it was, 'diarrhoea' would be a pretty name for a girl'

By the way, first person to leave a comment will have my undying affection forever.

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