A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ready to kill your husband? Try this!

Hallelujah - praise ye the Lord!
Morning has broken!
Rejoice, and again I say rejoice.

What has caused this??? I'll tell you. The most marvellous event has occurred : the tv has broken!

What? Ihear you say, 'aren't you the Desperate Housewives addict??' Well yes, I am the former D.H. addict. .

IT IS SO GREAT NOT HAVING A tv. (Small letters for tv coz it's not important)

The house is so peaceful.
We listen to music. We get our news off the Internet. We talk.
Today, my husband cleaned out the shed. The shed, which for the past 5 years has not even been glanced in - there would have been no point. You couldn't take a step inside, and could only reach what happened to be in the 7foot pile of junk stacked in the doorway. There were bikes, trikes, pools with holes in, about 53 cans of paint, snail pellets, dinosaur pellets... you name it we had it in there - somewhere....
But now?? Oh I might have to learn to put pictures on here so I can show you. It gleams! It shines! And best of all it's NOT SCARY anymore!
And I owe it all to the tv breaking.
Tonight the kids, hubby and I played Scrabble. like, well like, a proper family! I lost - but hey I managed to put down the word 'sex' and make my ten year old giggle his head off. Boys!
We had a nice night and it's all thanks to the tv breaking.

And I have to say, I am particularly grateful to the extended warranty people who are giving my husband a total runaround - not returning phonecalls and generally making the repair as hard as humanly possible. To them I say 'please continue'. My house feels homely, fun and if not clean, then comfortable.
Tonight my husband is going to draw moustaches on the eldest 2 kids while they are asleep - in retaliation for them throwing the cat at him, which was in retaliation for him tickling their armpits. They are plotting a further attack of water bombs after work tomorrow.

I will stop now because it's all getting a little too sickly sounding I realise...
but if you can...if you're at your wits end... I highly recommend doing 'something' to the tv - just a little something -to make it not work! Or if you have any kind of authority arrange a tv-free week (or month). The problem with that though is, you can still turn it on, and the little darlings will probably con you into letting them watch just one dvd, so...sabotage! Do it!

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