A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Book Thievery

I am hereby launching a worldwide appeal - and amnesty, perhaps - for the safe return of my copy of The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis.
Do you have it? Or do you know someone who has? I really miss it and would like it safely returned to me.

Sooo... who is it that does not return books? Hands up. Obviously a lot of people are non-returners. If you are one, can you please EXPLAIN YOURSELF and your actions? - I just don't get it!
Not wanting to be sanctimonious, but I have only one unreturned book on my bookshelf and I know exactly where it is, because everytime I see it I am plagued with guilts.
I have had a copy of Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth for over a decade now. But my guilt is tempered by the fact that it is from a library. Now, I know that I have infact withheld knowledge from an entire town - but lets face it, the librarian is not likely to be in anguish over lost books (or are they? I hope not!) But to take someone's personal, thoughtfully chosen, much loved (as they've obviously recommended it to you) book and keep it, is almost criminal in my opinion.
And I do intend to give that book back - truly I do. This year I will - and now I'm accountable.
So where is my Screwtape Letters??
Maybe karma will get me - and my book will be returned only after I return The Beauty Myth. Hmmm....

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