A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wow I just noticed the spell checker. I have been struggling along without it - apologies.
I also have just noticed that it is almost midnight so I will make this quick - it's frivolous and not particularly deep, so if it's depth you're after, avert your eyes. now.
Still with me? Goodo.
Am I the only one who thinks Eva Longoria is hopelessly miscast on Desperate Housewives? What was going on in the casting room the day they cast her role?? 'Hmm... gorgeous ex model needed - I know lets cast a 5 foot unattractive woman.'
Every time they mention that she is an exmodel in the show it REALLY REALLY annoys me - she is towered over by Felicity, Marcia and Teri - and did you see the ep where she had to do the catwalk? They filmed her from a really low angle - too too obvious. What were they thinking? It ruins the whole show for me, truly!
Maybe they originally cast Teri Hatcher in the role - you know seeing as she's a tall, gorgeous ex model!
OK so now I've had my gripe.
See? This is why I stay anonymous - otherwise I'd be in trouble with my church AND uni friends for being a closet Desperate Housewives fan!
Goodnight sweet dreams. I can hear my husband snoring away on the couch. I need a tape recorder as he continues to deny that he is infact a snorer. Do I wake him??

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