A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Friday, December 28, 2007

OK. I have been looking around the Internet at other blogs - possibly something I SHOULD have done prior to starting this one and it is slowly dawning on me that there is much that I am doing wrong - or differently to others.
First up: being anonymous
Clearly, the most interesting blogs have a photo attached so you can see what they look like. AND most bloggers have no qualms whatsoever about writing a LOT of personal info. There is an awesome blog called Motherhood Uncensored (if I knew how to link it I would - I will - as I learn...) which has a photo of the blogger, her children and a riveting account about her nutty in-laws. Isn't she worried they will read it?? Now don't get me wrong, I know the internet is a BIG place, but seeing as there are only six degrees of separation (did I get that right? I remember reading about it in a doctors' surgery once) surely SOMEONE somewhere will out her. She is brave. I find it hard to admit it to myself even that I am somewhat,not particularly enamoured with my in laws, at times, on occasion, perhaps... How wishy washy is that??
Can't believe I am writing crap like that and then calling this blog 'opinionated female'.
So, in the spirit of all the brave bloggers who divulge amazing things about themselves I will tell you more about myself. I am thirty. Yes thirty. I have three children (started young). I teach Sunday School. I drink much more than I should. I spend much too much on clothes than I should. I fight more with my family than I probably should. I go to university. I hate daycare. I have been married for ten years. That's about it for now...I realise facts are boring - I will detail more about these things as they come up.
BUT I am still really amazed that people are so OPEN about their personal stuff...I don't know if Icould ever do that - although I imagine it would be extremely freeing! I swing wildly between wanting to be outspoken, open, honest ( a la Germaine Greer ) OR kind, saintly, soft ( a la Darlene Zschech ).
A typical quandary; we went to the movies with some friends recently (took the kids to see The Bee Movie - don't bother, it was dull) and there were some feral kids running around the cinema annoying everyone else while their mother just sat and watched the movie ( I HATE parenting like that). So, Lou - the other wife - growled at them and I mean GROWLED. Me? I wouldve just sat there through the whole thing gritting my teeth and getting increasingly annoyed. I may have shot the mother a look outside the cinema. But not Lou - and I admire her for it. Sometimes I think I would like to be more like that - but then I hang out with another friend - Rachel - whose halo is only slightly invisible and I think 'No, serenity is the answer. Aim for peace, softly spoken words and above all - do unto others'. Hmm... my poor children are growing up underthese wildly variant conditions!!
Ok, so now my laptop is doing really weird word wrap things and I am writing from the left rather than the right.
Oh how on earth I have aligned to the right? I am blaming the laptop but deep down I realise it's me. Bummer.
OK I will finish this post, log out and hope that it goes back to normal. See kiddies? The importance of doing computing at school?
How embarassing - back in a sec hopefully.

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