A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Crush the ten year old psyche???

Back so soon? Yep - here is my dilemna.
I was woken up this morning (at about 6am. aargh!) by the beaming face of my angelic (well I think so anyway) ten year old who had very kindly brought me a cup of coffee.
Thoughtful? You betcha.
Stone cold and about three teaspoons of instant too strong? Absolutely.
So what to do?
Do I:
a) Tell him it's bloody awful and risk forever damaging his confidence and forever more he will never be able to bring himself to make another cup of coffee, thereby making himself very unpopular in the workplace and making his future wife think he's selfish...etc etc
b) Drink the hideous mixture giving myself a stomach ache in the process (did I mention there was half a carton of milk in it?)
or c) Tell him it's delicious, thank him profusely, then send him on an inane errand of 'checking on the puppy' while I surreptitiously pour the glug down the sink
Decisions decision, each one fraught with danger.
Well, I opted for c -which seemed like the best option at the time, but now I run the risk of getting another one tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn.
Parenting is full of decisons like these. I know that every day, moment by moment I am creating memories for my children which in future years may come back to haunt me...Will they remember the Christmas jam we made this year?(I'm showing off - trying to be all Margaret Fulton - it's easy TRULY - strawberries and jam and some marvellous stuff called jam setta)
Or will they remember the early morning ritual of me standing at the front door screaming 'How on earth can you lose ONE shoe?? Bloody hell, if you take them off together this wouldn't be a problem would it?? Now we're all going to be late because you weren't responsible with your things huff huff stomp stomp!'
Does anyone else wonder what the neighbours think of their parenting?? The driveway, 5 minutes after we are supposed to have left is where my seven year old usually declares that she needs a 'plate of food' for school TODAY coz they're having a party and if she doesn't take one she'll be the ONLY ONE who doesn't, so then after much exclaiming !!! I stop in at the petrol station and pay $8 for a bag of twisties, only for my seven year old to look dismayed and declare that neither she nor any of her friends even LIKE twisties and the look on her face says 'you are not a good mother, and if you WERE a good mother you would have KNOWN about the party at school today and would have prepared gorgeous cupcakes for all.'
So now it sounds as though I am raising brats, and I promise I most truly am not. They are good - their school reports told me so! I can scan them in if you don't believe me!!
But back to the coffee dilemna - what do you think? What would you have done? And does it even matter??
AND one more thought - why do petrol stations get away with exorbitant (spelling?) prices??

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