A blog of a 30 year old wife, mother, student, daughter, sister and friend who, for some unknown reason is always accused of being opinionated and argumentative... make up your own mind

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My first blog.
I have been wanting to do this for ages but have been unable to come up with a suitable 'name'. Seriously, that is why I haven't blogged before now - every name I came up with I began to hate about 5 minutes afterward.
I already kinda hate the one I have chosen. It's hard for females - call yourself a girl and everyone imagines a giggly teenager posting provocative gigglefests - but on the other hand, call yourself a woman and it brings to mind big breasted...I don't know what. Do I even know any 'women'? Does anyone call themselves a woman? Maybe it's just me but I always feel self-conscious with the term. Does anyone else feel like that???? And it's not just the fact that most of the 'women' at university call themselves 'womyn'. (I know I should be supportive and I am, I am, but every time I see the word 'womym' I inwardly roll my eyes.) Yowsers, I will prepare to be in trouble over that comment - and here I am trying to be nice and concilliatory in my first post.
But anyway I digress. I often do.
So I wanted to say- without sounding terribly desperate- thankyou for reading this - my very first blog. There is so much I want to say. But I don't want to overload you, my reader, with too much information. There is nothing worse than when you meet someone and they tell you EVERYTHING about themselves on that first meeting. I like a bit of mystery about my friends, don't you?
Also, I kid you not, but this is my first time using a laptop (no I am NOT a dinosaur - I got it for Christmas) and I keep accidentally turning on the damn 'caps lock' button and so then I have to go and retype everything and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY QUITE FRANKLY. Also the computer is doing this really annoying thing where I'll be typing away quite happily, but all of a sudden it will have started typing about three lines back for NO APPARENT REASON. Obviously I am hitting a button somewhere to make it do this- but which bloody button? And what a useless button to have on a laptop any way. I can't think of a reason why that would be useful! Oops an exclamation mark already. I have a friend who is an exclamation mark nazi and is also passionate about punctuation (not that I'll be telling my friends about this blog as I want to be able to bag them anonymously. Aah, the power... )
Now I am worried about using the word nazi there. Inappropriate? If you are offended, leave a comment and I will take it out, I promise. I am all for political correctness. Ha ha. Sometimes.
When I first started at university they sent me a PAMPHLET telling us all the offensive things we weren't allowed to say. It was quite funny. Apparently the word 'pensioner' is offensive. Hmmm...
Anyway I digress again... I want to apologise for the lack of graphical goodies on this site - so far. I really am a novice to this computer business. Unlike the young tackers of today, when I went to school computing was not compulsary and I avoided it like the plague - instead I chose to pursue worthwhile educational pursuits such as Theatre Arts and Smoking Behind The Bushes. Typing? Ha. Why would I need tyoing? It has only taken me about an hour to tyqe this!

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